22 november 2007

Time rains away

Jag håller ju då på med en EP inför julklappandet.
Den börjar närma sig sitt slutskede så jag tänkte bjuda på en låt som antagligen kommer vara med.

I met you 5 years ago
I never thought you would be mine
You still walks right beside me
something in me says I'm feeling fine
of course I miss death sometimes
but it gets longer between them

and now I don't talk about you
but I always wants to call you
and I just write some songs
cause I wanna be remembered
even if I know I won't

Heaven is not so great
halfway there they told me to wait
When time feels like rain
all you need is shelter
and if you get lucky some sort of company
to keep you alive

And I just wanna feel something
in any possible reality
and I just wrote some songs
Cause I wanna miss myself
but I really don't

and when I walk up the steps
to get myself some rest
the happy ones just left their beds
or maybe get into them with their lovers
I feel nothing for them
like I feel nothing for me

and now the summer is going away
I think that that is the reason for pain
and I just wrote some songs
cause I wanna remember myself
but I really don't

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

En fråga... Hur får du upp musiken sådär? I en sånn box :D

Mattias Lyckne sa...

Jag är helt enkelt medlem på www.box.net där man kan lägga upp filer, som innehåller en inbyggd spelare :)

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